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Paul Scerri Phytodrops are a new generation of aromatherapy that combines essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins, plant proteins, and various hygroscopic substances.

Essential oils such as cinnamon, palmarosa, rosemary, ylang-ylang, mint, sage, and geranium are invigorating and awaken inactive cells in the epidermis.

Plant extracts such as cucumber, algae, horsetail, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and pollen provide a wealth of essential active ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and specific organic compounds unique to the chosen plant types.

Vitamins E and A are true youth factors, while hydroxyproline stimulates the contraction of collagen fibers and protects elastin. Phytodrops restore the skin's youthful potential, actively participate in fibroblast growth, reshape and optimize hydration, and stimulate the contraction of collagen fibers.

Paul Scerri | Phytodrops

Phytodrop Express Tone

Redonnez à votre peau son tonus, son élasticité et sa fermeté grâce à l'effet lifting de Phytodrop Express Tone. Ce produit maintient l'hydratation de votre peau, restaure son éclat de jeunesse et réveille votre teint pour une apparence plus fraîche et plus ferme. Utilisez-le tous les jours avant votre crème de jour ou de nuit pour des résultats optimaux.

Paul Scerri | Phytodrops

Phytodrop Express Tone

Phytodrop Express Toneのリフティング効果により、肌のトーン、弾力性、引き締まりを取り戻します。この製品は、肌の保湿を維持し、若々しい輝きを取り戻し、よりフレッシュで引き締まった肌を実現します。日中や夜のクリームを使用する前に、毎日ご使用いただくことで、最適な結果を得ることができます。

Paul Scerri | Phytodrops

Phytodrop Intégral

肌の水分バランスを回復し、最適な保湿を維持するためのPhytodrop Intégral。この製品は、肌に完全な快適感をもたらしながら、自然な水分バランスを回復します。日中や夜のクリームを使用する前に、毎日ご使用いただくことで、柔軟で弾力のある肌を保つことができます。

Paul Scerri | Intensive Action
Paul Scerri | Intensive Action
Paul Scerri | Herbal Ingredients

Paul Scerri Phytodrop Interactive Programs

Each Paul Scerri Phytodrop program consists of two interactive phases for intensive and long-lasting action. The Sebum-Balancing Program effectively restores balance to sebaceous activity with its specific formula composed of essential oils of mint, sage, lemon, clove, and rosemary. The Purifying Program cleanses the epidermis by stimulating its biological activity with essential oils of savory, rosemary, cajeput, eucalyptus, and juniper.

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