Paul Scerri Compensation is a sanctuary for skin seeking recovery and balance. Tailored to meet the needs of skin that's been compromised by environmental aggressions and seasonal variations, this line includes a protective fluid cream that re-establishes the skin's hydro-lipidic balance, enhancing its suppleness and glow.
The unique composition of the Compensation range, enriched with sun filters, not only restores the skin's natural moisture and vitality but also provides a protective barrier against further damage. Daily use of this range will reveal a rejuvenated complexion, characterized by its smoothness, elasticity, and a youthful appearance, preserving the skin's natural beauty and health.
Huile Veloutée Hydrophile
フィール・ヴルテ・イドロフィールは、エクスクルーシブな高品質の親 水性エモリエントオイルで、目のメイクを優しく効果的に除去し、油分の残りや刺激を残しません。最も敏感な目にも適したそのユニークな配合は、防水メイクを効率的に除去し、デリケートな目の輪郭を保護します。湿ったコットンパッドに数滴を垂らすと、目の周りをきれいで、落ち着いた状態に保ちます。